CfP: Gender & Development: Water (Publication); DL: 15.06.2009

Gender & Development

The March 2010 issue of the international journal Gender & Development will focus on Water. It will be co-edited by Caroline Sweetman of Oxfam GB, and Tina Wallace, of International Gender Studies, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford. The journal has a wide audience of development policymakers, practitioners, researchers and activists, and uses simple clear English to support them in their work. For more information about the journal including full guidelines for contributors, please visit
Water is, literally, the source of life. Growing inequality and competition over dwindling supplies as a result of climate change and other forces risk turning water into ‚the new oil‘. 2010 is the midway point of the International Water for Life Decade (2005-2015) Development planners often see water as a ‚technical issue‘, and the social, cultural and gender relations that surround water are overlooked. This affects public health, family welfare and the rights of women. The world currently faces a range of crises with environmental, economic, political and health-related dimensions, making water a key issue for all development researchers and workers. A gender perspective is essential. The mismatch between women as primary water-users and men as household, community and development decision-makers needs to be challenged and changed to realise the right to water for all, including the poorest and most marginalised.
Contributions are invited from development researchers and workers who have experience to share with their peers, and with policymakers and decision-makers in development agencies and governments.
We’d anticipate the issue including articles focusing on:

  • Case studies of communities challenged by scarcity of water due to climate change, hydro-electric dams, commercial irrigation, and tourism
  • Presentation/analysis of the vast donor led development interventions on water: how far have they met the needs of different water users, especially those in poor communities and women within households?
  • Gender analyses of the impact of new technologies and new systems (such as international or local private sector water systems) for increasing the quantity and/or quality of water supplies to poor women, men and children
  • Conflicts over water in arid lands: women’s and men’s gendered roles in brokering peace
  • Planning in developing country contexts – ensuring women’s equal participation in settlement design and water management
  • Gender issues and water-borne diseases – articles focusing on efforts to reduce mortality and morbidity which integrate a strong gender perspective
  • Analysis of agencies working on water and how far they do/are able to take gender into account, given the different rhythms of technology supply and engaging with communities
  • Women’s challenge to meet increased demands for water due to HIV and AIDS and other health issues
  • Analysis of water privatisation and this is affecting poor and marginalised communities. What responses do they have -especially women- to this approach to water provision?
  • Positive examples and analysis of water harvesting, improving water supplies, increasing access for domestic users of water, especially women where they are responsible for domestic water consumption and use
  • Whether gender frameworks, training or analysis have enabled local authorities, NGOs or CBOs to provide water in ways that do meet the different demands on water, especially from women

If you would like to write on any of the above, or have other ideas about articles we should commission, please send a paragraph outlining your proposed idea to, as soon as possible, and before the commissioning deadline: 15 June 2009. If we are able to offer space for your contribution, we will write to you by 25 June.
Commissioned articles will have a deadline of 30 August 2009.
Dr Caroline Sweetman
Editor, ‚Gender and Development‘ – a journal of policy and practice published by Oxfam GB
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