CfP: Flesh and Blood: A Feminist Symposium on Embodied Histories (Event, Canberra/Australia 05/2015); DL: 31.01.2015

Lilith via WebsiteThe Editorial Collective of Lilith: A Feminist History Journal (Web)

Venue: Australian National University, Canberra
Time: Friday May 8, 2015
Proposals due on January 31, 2015

The symposium is intended to celebrate and build upon the rich tradition of placing the body at the centre of feminist historical analysis. It will explore how gendered norms are reflected, reinscribed and contested through bodies, and encourage consideration of new methods and sources for studying the elusive bodies of the past.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Joanna Bourke, Univ. of London
  • Joy Damousi, The Univ. of Melbourne and Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Australian Laureate Fellow Read more and Source … (Web)