This is a international coordination mail about the demonstration against trans patologization next 17th of October 2009
This are the cities that so far have confirmed they’ll do the action are: Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Donosti, Zaragoza, Granada, A Corunha (Spanish State), Torino (Italy), Lisboa (Portugal), Paris, Lille, Marseille (France) , Bruselas (Belgium), Quito (Ecuador), Montréal (Quebec), Campinas (Brazil).
And we’re still working with activists of ten other cities in Latin America, USA, and Europe that have shown interest on the project. Lets get some points about the demonstration straight so that we can all follow the same line and not do the same work twice. The idea of demonstrating in October comes from and initiative inspired on the trans visibility demonstrations in Paris (called Existrans) that have been happening for more than ten years. Some groups from the Spanish State decided to keep on with this demonstration but making an explicit action about trans fight against the Gender Identity Disorder.
The first year, 2007, we were Madrid, Barcelona and Paris, and in 2008 we were 11 cities demonstrating against trans pathologization. The next DSM_V is appearing in 2012 and that is why we have intensified our actions, and we have decided to do a coordinated demonstration in as much cities as we can every October until 2012 to demand the despathologization of trans identities.
Therefore, we’ve started an international campaign until 2012 called Stop Trans Pathologization: Goal 2012 that is meant to sum up all the actions against the Gender Identity Disorder.
The organization and management of this campaign is done by activists of different groups, mainly from the Spanish State. However, it aims to be an international fight campaign.
Regarding the organization:
- All the cities that join the project must confirm their actions before the 1st of September to this same email (so that we can add them to the manifestos and posters that are going to get printed in most of the cities during the month of September)
- The slogan of the demonstrations might vary from city to city, but we propose that all of the have the sub-slogan of Stop Trans Pathologization: Goal 2012 (or it’s translation) so that all the demonstrations are visibly part of the same campaign.
- Once we have a logo for the STP 2012 campaign we’ll send it so that you can use it in the graphic or internet circulation of the actions.
- We need one contact person in each city that’s able to send images/photographs of the action so that we can have a centralized circulation after the actions, so that they can be visibilize… (i.e. that we have some post-demonstration spreading with images of all the cities, to send to the media, etc.)
The agreement is that each city writes their own manifesto, but that each one of them has 5 common points, which are the following: We demand:
- The retirement of GID from the international diagnosis manuals.
- The retirement of the mention of sex in the official documents.
- The abolition of the binary normalization treatments to intersex people.
- The free access to hormonal treatments and surgery (without the psychiatric monitoring)
- The fight against transfobia: working for educative formation and the social and work insertion for trans people
If you want your group/association to join the Stop Trans Pathologization 2012 campaign, you can do it through the email, with the title JOIN STP 2012
The campaign manifesto is in (we’ll soon have the translations). For more information please contact us in