Briony McDonagh (Dept of Geography, University of Hull) and Amanda Capern (Dept of History, University of Hull)
Time: 29-30 June 2015
Venue: University of Hull, UK
Proposals not later than 31 January 2015
This two-day interdisciplinary conference seeks to bring together historians, geographers, archaeologists, legal scholars, art historians and literary scholars to reflect on women’s contribution to the making of the British landscape over the six centuries between c. 1300 and c. 1900. Recent work by historians has done much to expand our understanding of women’s relations with property of all kinds, particularly in the early modern and Georgian eras. This has included important work on the ways legal doctrines and devices like primogeniture, coverture and strict settlement impacted on the ownership of land by women from across the social hierarchy. Yet we know comparatively little about … read more and source (Web)