CfP: Family Narratives / Nation(alistic) Narratives (Event, 06/2015, Zürich); DL: 28.02.2015

The Institute for Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK) and the Gender Studies Program at the University of Zurich (Web)

Time: 10.-12.06.2015
Venue: Zurich
Proposals not later than 28.02.2015

Call for papers from junior researchers interested in exploring narrative analysis as a means by which to gain insight into the construction of social discourses on national and social identities, as well as various symbolic constructions of the ‘ideal’ family. Identity scholars suggest that in order to understand the complex technologies behind identity formation, one needs to see this process as a perpetual telling of stories. The exchange of stories pervades nearly every aspect of our social life. Our ‘storied selves’ are continually informed by intersecting discursive categories, such as nationality, ‘race’, ethnicity, family or kinship, language, class, gender, religion, etc. Consequently, specific narratives dealing with each or some of these discursive constructions facilitate the creation and negotiation of subject positions, making it possible to regard our stories as sites where cultural meta-narratives can be obtained and observed. Read more … (PDF)