, die österreichweite Plattform für DoktorandInnen und JungwissenschafterInnen, veranstaltet im September gemeinsam mit ADS (unserer slowakischen Partnerorganisation) einen Workshop zum Thema „Training for first time university Teachers“. Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist kostenlos.
Ort und Zeit: Vienna, September 11th-12th 2007
The deadline for submitting proposals is July 27th 2007.
Dear doctoral students and junior teachers!
This is a call for paper proposals for the Training for first-time university teachers, which will take place in Vienna on September the 11th-12th at the University of Vienna.
The training originates from the recognition that teaching is often an ignored area of professional development for doctoral students even though they are expected not only to contribute to scientific knowledge but also to educate the younger generations. Therefore, the organizers hope to fill this gap and offer an opportunity to develop and discuss various methods of and approaches to scientific teaching together with other doctoral students from Austria, Slovakia and other CEI countries.
The Training – held in English – will be accompanied by two coaches with a rich experience in the field of academic didactics. As the way and the methods of teaching vary greatly in the different faculties, the main focus for this training will be on teaching in the humanities and the social sciences. But applicants of other disciplines are welcome too.
The training in Vienna is a follow-up event of a training which has already taken place in Bratislava in January 2007.
This Training is being co-organized by: (Austrian doctorial students association)
the Slovak Phd. Students’ Association
Universität Wien
and the Comenius University in Bratislava
In cooperation with:
Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft (ÖH) and Eurodoc.
Objectives of the training
* Course Structure: How to design an academic course?
* Teacher´s mission: What is the purpose of teaching?
* Motivation of students: How to make students more active?
* Critical thinking: How to make students think more critically?
* Argumentation: How to reach a scholar level of discussions during the lesson?
* Originality: Which unusual activities could make a course more interesting and could bring extra knowledge and experience to the students?
* Synergy: How to create an atmosphere of cooperation where all participants enrich each others knowledge?
* Role of the teacher: what is one’s understanding of teaching?
* Practical illustration of theories: What brings theory to a closer understanding for students?
Maga. Barbara Korb, academic teacher in media and communication science (University of Vienna, Department for Communication), Trainer for communication, group work and grouping
Maga. Christine Rabl, university assistant at the Department of educational Sciences, Trainer for group work and grouping.
The Training will start on Tuesday, September 11th at 11.00 with a welcome brunch at the University of Vienna. In the evening there will be a dinner at a „Heurigen“ (a vineyard on the outskirts of Vienna). The training will continue on Wednesday from 9.00 until 12.30. After having lunch together there will be a discussion about the situation of doctorial students in Europe with the participation of members form Eurodoc, which will last until about 16.00.
The participants not living in Vienna will be accommodated in single rooms in the „Hotel am Schottengrund“, which is approximately 10 minutes of walking distance away from the University.
Guidelines for the application
Doctorial students who wish to participate in the training should apply by handing in an essay proposal in English of approx. 500 words. These proposals should contain the content of and the design for an academic course (this can be a course already held at the university, or a concept for a course the participants are interested to hold in future). It should contain furthermore all things that have to be considered whilst planning and designing a course, for example the title, the type of the course, the aims, etc. Applicants should also think about other items they find important to consider.
The essay proposals should be sent in rich text format (.rtf) or portable document format (.pdf) to Esther Hutfless: and the participants are kindly asked to attach their professional CV.
The deadline for submitting proposals is July 27th 2007.
All proposals shall be evaluated by the organizing committee and the coaches, who will choose 21 participants for the training (8 from Slovakia, 8 from Austria and 5 from other CEI countries). The results shall be announced by August 3 rd 2007.
After the training we plan to publish the revised designs of the courses along with some theoretical texts about academic didactics and the outcomes of the workshop.
This program is being supported by the „Aktion Slovakia-Austria“, ÖAD (Österreichischer Austauschdienst), CEI (Central European Initiative) and the ÖH (Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft). The costs of accommodation, meals and the travel from Bratislava to Vienna are covered for all participants. Participants from other CEI countries have their travel costs covered up to 130 euro.
We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and meeting you in Vienna,
Mag.a Eshter Hutfless,, Universität Wien
Andreas Reiter, Universität Wien
Mgr. Gabriela Pleschová, PhD, Comenius University Bratislava
(organizing team)