CfP: Gender Issues. Women, Citizenship and Rights in Modern and Contemporary History (Publication: Percorsi storici); DL: 30.09.2015

Percorsi storici, Roberta Mira (Web)

Proposals due: September 30, 2015

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the voting right for Italian women, «Percorsi storici» invites proposals about women and their acquisition of rights. Articles can focus on different topics, which include – but are not limited to – suffrage, presence and rights of women in education and work, emancipation of women, female press and literature focused on politics, citizenship and rights, female organizations, female and feminist movements. Articles on discriminations against women and rights deprivation will be welcome as well.

Scientific and editorial boards will consider proposals focusing on the Italian case and on the European and extra-European contexts (also with a comparative approach) during the 19th, 20th and 21st century.

«Percorsi Storici» hopes that the essays selected for publication will highlight women’s active presence in society and in politics, their primary role in different moments of italian and global history, their fighting to obtain rights facing long periods of exclusion from citizenship and the public sphere, when women were confined inside the household in a condition of subjection and dependance from the men’s world.

We invite contributions from historians and we also welcome essays from scholars of other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, as long as they use a diachronic perspective, in order to encourage an inter-disciplinary dialogue.

Articles can be written in Italian and English.

Please send a 250-350-word abstract to «Percorsi Storici» editorial board ( with some informations on the author and her/his research fields. The deadline is: September 30, 2015.

The editorial and the scientific board will evaluate the received proposals. Authors whose proposal will be accepted shall then send their full-length article (not over 50.000 characters) to «Percorsi Storici» for the anonymous peer review.

Please use the following format to send a proposal.

Gender issues. Women, Citizenship and Rights in Modern and Contemporary History

Family name:
Role / Position:
Institution / University:
E-mail address:
Research fields:
Title of the essay:
Abstract (250-350 words):

Roberta Mira
Università di Bologna / Percorsi Storici
