CfP: ‚Distribution Networks for Textiles and Dress, c. 1700-1945‘ (Event: Wolverhampton, 09/2010); DL: 19.03.2010

Pasold Research Fund and CHORD Conference (Web)

A conference to be held at:
the University of Wolverhampton, UK
on: 8 and 9 September 2010
Proposals/ sessions by 19 March 2010

The Pasold Research Fund and the Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution (CHORD) invite proposals for a conference exploring the retailing and marketing of textiles and dress between c.1700 and 1945. Proposals are invited for papers on any aspect of this topic, on any distribution/retailing format, and focusing on any geographical area.

Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Advertising and branding
  • Sales techniques, display and technologies
  • Second-hand and ‚informal‘ acquisition: charity; theft; gifting; inheritance
  • Retail innovation and development
  • Retail/distribution chains
  • Fashion retailing and marketing
  • International comparisons
  • The relationship between retailing and production
  • Retailing and class / gender / ethnicity /age

Proposals are invited both for individual papers and for sessions. Shorter papers (c.15 minutes) for a ‚New Researchers‘ session are also welcome.

Please send title, one page abstract, a list of 3 to 5 key words and if proposing a session, a cover letter with title and one-paragraph session description, to the address below (if possible via e-mail) by 19 March 2010.

Please state whether you would like to be included in the New Researchers‘ session.

For further information, please e-mail Laura Ugolini: Conference web-pages:

Dr Laura Ugolini
Reader in History
School of Law, Social Sciences and Communications
MC Building
University of Wolverhampton


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