Le LabEx EHNE (Web)
Venue: Musée de l’armée, Hôtel national des Invalides, Paris
Time: Monday 7th of November 2016
Proposals by 29th May 2016
This workshop is the third and last of cycle of three workshops on the Widows, the widowers and widowhood in Europe in the contemporary period (To have more information on the general project (Link). It aims at wondering about the widowhood caused by situations of armed conflicts (world wars between states, civil wars, independence wars, others forms of conflicts such as terrorism…)
The definition of the widowhood is the same as that the one for the previous workshops: The widowhood is not envisaged in its strictly legal definition: it includes for example surviving spouses, married or not.
The questioning is double. It concerns, on one hand, the specificities of these widowhoods. The fact that the death or a disappearance happens in the atypical circumstances of an armed conflict influence the widowhood of the surviving spouse? To what extend this widowhood is different from a widowhood in a more ordinary context? To what extent, also, the mourning of the surviving spouses distinguishes itself from that of the other members of the family (in particular orphan and ascending of the deceased)? Read more and source … (Web)