Human Relations, Guest Editors: Emma Bell (Keele Univ., UK), Susan Meriläinen (Univ. of Lapland, Finland), Scott Taylor (Univ. of Birmingham, UK) and Janne Tienari (Aalto Univ., Finland)
Proposals by: 30 November 2016
The purpose of this special issue is to provide an intellectual space in which to explore recent important developments in feminist organization and scholarship. Walby’s (2011) observation that feminist theory and activism develop in a spiral leads her to suggest that we are in the midst of a historically significant fourth feminist ‚circuit‘. This putative ‚fourth wave‘ (Munro, 2013) is distinctive in range of ways. It is both more present, especially through the use of social media, and less visible, in that activism is happening within organizations. It appears as less of a social movement of outsiders engaged in protests against holders of organizational and institutionalised power and instead is often practised inside existing organizational contexts, such as workplaces or policymaking arenas.
This feminist activity is coupled with a growing recognition that feminist perspectives on gender equality need not be framed exclusively from Western democratic perspectives – non-Western, non-capitalist, non-democratic feminisms may exist and develop from radically different cultural and economic roots (Hemmings, 2011). Read more and source … (Web)