Le Laboratoire France méridionale et Espagne (Web)
Venue: Université Toulouse
Time: 23.-24.06.2016
This conference seeks to assess the current state of research in a thriving field and to create a European research network on the history of sexology. The term sexology here is understood in a broad sense (as scholarly discourse on human sexuality) and the period covered will be large, from the nineteenth century (with the beginnings of conjugal hygiene and sexual psychopathology) to the early 1970s (when university degree programs were created to professionalize and control the discipline).
The historiography of this field, which like historiography on sexuality dates back to the 1970s and 1980s, is currently undergoing considerable change, through the influence of social and feminist history on the sciences. This has resulted in less focus on the study of paradigms and scientific pronouncements and instead privileged social and material histories of scholars and academic practices (D. Pestre, M. Puig de la Bellacasa).
Despite the growth in historical studies, the panorama of sexology over the last two centuries is marked by two imbalances. The first concerns the unequal historiographical production between northern and southern Europe. Read more … (Web)