Conference: Emotions and politics 2: Activism and emotional sustainability, 28.-31.08.2007, London

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2007: ‚Sustainability and Quality of Life‘
Zeit: 28.-31.08.2007
Ort: Royal Geographical Society with IBG / London / United Kingdom
Convenors: Gavin Brown and Jenny Pickerill
Sponsored by: the Participatory Geographies Working Group and the Space, Sexualities and Queer Working Group
Recent years have seen an expanded interest within Geography in the spatiality of emotions (Davidson, Bondi and Smith 2005) and affect (Thrift 2004); as well as the spaces of activism, protest and resistance (Routledge 2003; Featherstone 2003; and Anderson 2004).
Outside Geography, various scholars have begun to consider the emotions that inspire and sustain activism, and that are provoked by it (Godwin, Jasper and Polleta 2001; Cvetkovich 2003; Flam and King 2005). This session seeks to draw together recent geographic scholarship on emotions, affect and activism to consider how they might productively inform each other. It seeks to offer a spatial and geographic perspective to other social scientific enquiries into the connections between emotions and social movement activism.
This session is organized in conjunction with the session „Emotions and politics 1: The importance of place.“ Papers may be cross-referred by the organisers of these sessions, if we believe papers will fit better into a related session.

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