CfP: Alter-net Bodies: Fat/Crip/Queered Identities, Expressions, and Cyber Activism (Event: 10/2018, Los Angeles); DL: 30.07.2018

Annual Queer Graduate Student Conference; LGBTQ Studies and QGrad at University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles (Web)

Time: 26.10.2018
Venue: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Deadline: July 30th, 2018

The Fall 2018 QGrad Conference at UCLA explores the intersections of fatness, gender, race, queerness, ability status, and technology. Alter-net bodies transcend physical and virtual space but are still impacted by rhetoric that labels themas deviant, ugly, and unruly.

In what ways do Alter-net bodies exist more or less freely in digital space than in physical space? How do fat/crip/queers of color utilize and expand cyberspace as sites of resistance? How do Alter-net people perform, express, articulate, generate, and create resistant identities and aesthetics?

The organizers invite proposals addressing the topic themes and any of the topics below:

  • Intersections of Fat, Disabled, Queer, Trans, and Intersex Experiences
  • Queer virtual spatialities and activism
  • Intersections of the Body Positive Movement, Trans Liberation Movement, Disability Movement, Black Lives Matter
  • Inter-generational discourses on LGBTQ Terminology & Context
  • Love, Sex, and Intimacy in Cyberspace
  • Hashtag (#) Activism for Liberation
  • Alter-net Healing Spaces and Safe Spaces
  • LGBTQ Digital Art and DIY Projects Tutorials
  • Butch and Femme Aesthetics, Gender Presentations, Performance, Embodiments

Please Submit 250 Word Abstract to

Source: Qstudy-l