CfP: Trans in a Time of HIV/AIDS (ZS: Transgender Studies Quarterly); DL: 26.10.2019

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 7.4; Guest Editor: Che Gossett (Web)

Proposals by: 26.10.2019

The HIV/AIDS crisis is often imagined as over, yet it remains and is ongoing. It is still relevant to trans life and trans death, and overlaps with categories and questions of citizenship, belonging, exile, the carceral, the border, the figure of the migrant, disability, queerness, feminism, racialization, biopower and necropolitics, and more. How might we think about trans in the historical present of HIV/AIDS? How might HIV/AIDS matter for trans studies scholarship at this time, especially in our purportedly post-AIDS-crisis moment? How might the present conjuncture of trans and HIV/AIDS differ from earlier moments? How can we understand the relationship between HIV/AIDS and “trans visibility”?

This special issue of TSQ invites work that takes up and thinks through questions at the intersection of HIV/AIDS and trans studies, theory, and politics from any discipline or interdiscipline (or even anti-discipline). Articles should directly address the entanglements of trans and HIV/AIDS whether ontological, epistemological, aesthetic, socio-political, or cultural. Global and Non-US focused work especially encouraged. Some potential approaches and optics for authors include but are not limited to:

  • Historical Memory and HIV/AIDS Memorialization
  • Anti-blackness and HIV/AIDS
  • Read more … (Web)
