Cologne Center for Comparative Politics and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute (ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy EXC 2126)
Venue: Cologne Center for Comparative Politics
Tie: 26.-27.11.2020
Proposals by: 15.06.2020
The workshop will feature the work of early career researchers working in this area. The workshop will offer four panels on different themes. Individual papers might formulate and address research questions on the micro-, meso- or macro-level and use whatever quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method design is appropriate to answer the question. For each of the four panels, the organizers will host a keynote lecture by an invited scholar who is an expert in this field.
1. Inequality and Redistribution
Keynote speaker and discussant: Charlotte Cavaille, University of Michigan
In an era of rising wealth and income inequality, explaining cross-national variation in inequality and redistributive policy has been of central concern to researchers, commentators and politicians. The organizers invite contributions seeking to explain the political and economic origins and consequences of inequality and redistribution. The organizersare particularly interested in papers exploring the nature of redistributive preferences and variation in social policy, taxation and labor market regimes.
2. The Political Economy of Gender
Keynote speaker and discussant: Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University