European Social Science History Conference; Bettina Brandt (Bielefeld University, School for Historical Research), Elisabeth Elgán (Stockholm University, Department of History), Marianna Muravyeva (University of Helsinki, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies)
Date: 11.-14. 4.2012
Venue: Glasgow, Scotland
Deadline for proposals: 01.05.2011
The major theme for our network will be Gender and Politics. With our call for papers, we would like to invite to a discussion about recent research on gender as a category of shaping and transforming the political (and notions of the political) in history. We welcome a wide range of topics such as the body and sexuality, the self and the collective, gender as a political argument or as a figure of de-politicization, gender and social movements, gender enabling or preventing political agency, gender in relation or in competition to other politicizable categories of belonging, gender and migration,
gender and consumption, gender and knowledge, gender as a figure of the local and/or the global, of the self or the other, gender and historiography/memory, gender and political language/semantics, gender and images of the political, gender and nationalism, war, or violence, gender and political emotions… We also welcome a plurality of theoretical approaches and methods as well as proposals concerning all
historical periods.
The Women and Gender network welcomes proposals for theme sessions as well as individual papers. Sessions composed around thematic, theoretical or conceptual questions are preferred to geographical or epoch-oriented sessions, as they favour a comparative point of view. We also appreciate a global angle, as we hope to make participants from different parts of the world to work together on similar problems. Every participant can also act as a chair or a commentator outside the session where he/she is presenting his/her own paper.
We encourage proposed session to be rather discussion panels with maximum 4 participants and a discussant than formal paper presentations. We would like then to suggest that each of the panelists will have 10-15 minutes to present their research to leave sufficient time for the discussion. The papers will be uploaded on the website of the conference but the exchange is based on the principle of short oral introductions.
The official language of the conference is English. The proposals in other languages will not be accepted. For those who feel uncomfortable speaking English without reading a paper, the organizers will test an idea of English language coach for the next conference.
Each session must include papers from several countries, with the maximum of two papers from/about one country, to achieve a truly international, comparative discussion. The network chairs may suggest papers to session organisers, particularly to fill a session otherwise incomplete. The final composition of each session is done by the network chairs.
How to propose a paper or a session: Please fill out the pre-registration form on the ESSHC web-site:
and include a 500 words abstract of your paper. Each person proposing a paper, even as part of a session proposal, has to register individually. Do not send your paper to the network chairs.
Please submit your proposal as soon as possible, and not later than May 1, 2011. Proposals submitted after the deadline of May 1, 2011, will not be accepted. We would also like to encourage you to volunteer as chair or discussant.