Conference: Challenging Norms and Narrations: Family Planning and Social Change in Europe, 27.-28.01.2022, virtual sapce

Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe (Web)
Time: 27.-28.01.2022,
Venue: virtual space, via Marburg
Social change caused by industrialization and urbanization as well as by cultural and political modernization provoked a re configuration of family conceptions. The demand to determine the number of offspring became a major political claim of women’s rights movements before it became part of “normality” within family life. “Family planning” as a practice was hence a result of value changes caused by social changes: since then, it developed step-by-step from a significant individual practice to a human right. During social, political, and economic crises and periods of rapid social change, “family planning” has become a target of political attacks, for example as revealed by the new Polish anti-abortion law and discussion about sexual education.
Once again, women’s reproductive and sexual rights have become highly politicized, and the question of family planning has become a state interest rather than an individual choice. Today’s changes in political and social beliefs, challenges for gender equality, and obvious attacks on women’s reproductive rights suggest that understanding the past can help identify, analyze, and recommend tools to prevent such populist and undemocratic efforts. Read more and source … (Web)

  • Isabel Heinemann (Münster): Family Planning, Reproductive Decision-Making und Health Feminism


  1. Publicizing the Privacy (Motherhood on the Stage) / Breaking the taboo; Chair: Heidi Hein-Kircher
  2. (Transcultural) Transitions of Knowledge and Norms; Chair: Elisa-Maria Hiemer
  3. Challenging “old” Norms: Between Science, Propaganda and Intimacy; Chair: Denisa Nešt’áková