Faculty of Letters (Spiru Haret University) in collaboration with the Department of German Studies (University of Vienna)
and Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, the Contemporary Science Association (New York), the Center of Research in Gender Studies affiliated to the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (New York), the Addleton Academic Publishers (New York) and the COST Project Women Writers in History
Time: June 2-3, 2011
Conference venue: Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Letters, 13 Ion Ghica Street, Bucharest, Romania
Deadline for proposals: April 30, 2011
Please send proposals (and inquiries) to genderstudies.conference@gmail.com
Invited speakers:
Anna Babka (University of Vienna)
Efstratia Oktapoda (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV)
Ileana Orlich (Arizona State University)
Najib Redouane (California State University, Long Beach)
The rise of gender studies at the end of the 1980s and all through the 1990s coincided with the acceleration of the globalization process made possible mainly by the rise of the new democracies and the new permeability of borders in a postcolonial and postcom- munist world, as well as by the unprecedented impact of the revolution in communication and information technology, with the Internet and the world wide web transforming the world into what McLuhan described as „the global village“ (1962).
Using “gender studies” as an umbrella term, which has come to include women’s studies, men and masculinity studies and queer studies, the aim of the Conference is to examine from a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives:
1) gendered aspects of the process of globalization, such as the gendered experiences of the relation between the local/ the national and the global, transnational processes and gendered borders;
2) various ways in which globalization has impacted the construction of gender identities and sexualities, the intersection of gender with other categories of identity such as race, sexuality, age, class and nationality, the construction and representation of ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ as identity categories, gender relations as strategies and counter-strategies of power, gender regimes, the relation of gender to social and cultural institutions;
3) the performativity of gender, gender politics, and the representation of gender in culture, literature, visual arts, film, popular culture, the media. The conference aims also to discuss new developments in gender theories and new modes of gender knowledge and critique under the impact of globalization.
We invite proposals from a wide range of areas including the humanities – literature, law, history, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts (including music and theatre), anthropology, area studies, communication studies, cultural studies, and linguistics, social sciences, behavioral sciences, science and technology, medicine and public health, democracy studies.
Presentations should be in English or French, and will be allocated 20 minutes each, plus 10 minutes for discussion. Prospective participants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 100 words (including 5 keywords) in Word format, with an indication of their insti- tutional affiliation, and a telephone number and e-mail address at which they can be contacted.
Proposals for workshops and panel discussions (to be organized by the participants) will be also considered.
All accepted papers submitted in English or French will be published in a conference proceedings book edited by Addleton Academic Publishers (New York).
It is the responsibility of authors to ensure the originality, authorship, accuracy, complete references, coherent organization and legible appearance of their work.
The submission formatting includes: no more than 10 pages in length, including references, illustrations, and appendices; authors’ names, contacts and affiliations appear on the paper; a short abstract of 100 words and 5 keywords contained on the first page; single column format of single-spaced text in 10 point Times Roman for the body of the text; no page numbers; no headers and footers; A4 MS-Word format.
Conference fee: 80 euro.
The fee is payable in cash on registration, and covers the conference materials, two lunches, refreshments during the conference, the publication of the paper and the hard copy version of the conference proceedings book.
Hotel reservations can be made by the organizers upon request.
Prices per night vary between 60 and 80 EUR.
Accommodation details will be available by the end of February 2011.
Organizing Committee
Dr. Ramona Mih?il? (Spiru Haret University)
Dr. Raluca Nicolae (Spiru Haret University)
Onorina Botezat, Ph.D.c (Spiru Haret University)
Meri Disoski, Ph.D.c (University of Vienna)
Gabriela Iliu??, Ph.D.c (Spiru Haret University)
Verena Leitner, Ph.D.c (University of Vienna)