Papers with a focus on Women’s and Gender History at the Rural History Conference 2023, 11.–14.09.2023, Cluj-Napoca

Babeș-Bolyai University and Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography (Web)

Time: 11.-14.09.2023
Venue: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Rural History 2023 conference continues the tradition of the previous Rural History conferences held since 2013 in Bern, Girona, Leuven, Paris and Uppsala aiming to promote a scientific discussion on new research on rural history in a broad sense by bringing together researchers dealing with different regions, different periods and from different theoretical and methodological traditions.

The upcoming conference offers an extensive programme with a total of 56 panels (PDF).

Some papers with a focus on Women’s and Gender History

  • Brigitte Semanek: Cattle, Cars, and Cat Content. Human-Non Human Interactions in
    Home Movies and Amateur Film Footage from Lower Austria (1950s–1980s)
  • Inger Olausson: The Female Gardeners: One Hundred Years of Contest for Gardening Schools for Women in Sweden
  • Beatrice Moring: Women, Headship and Property in Pre-Industrial Finland
  • Raquel Tovar Pulido: Mothers and legal representation of non-emancipated minor children (Spain, 18th century)
  • Richard Paping: Widows as farm managers from the 18th to the 20th century: A case study
  • Jaime Tortosa: The role of women in the late medieval society from Europe: Familiar and individual destinies
  • Eszter Lengye: „Women are burdened with work beyond their strength.“ Women in collective farms: a comparison of two villages in Western Hungary
  • Sandro Guzzi-Heeb: Illegitimate Births, economic change and political conflicts. The case of Swiss mountain communities (18th-19th c.)
  • Margareth Lanzinger: Innkeepers in Tyrol: Pluriactivity, Social and Spatial Mobility (18th and 19th Century)

Source: Rural History Newsletter 80/2023-88/2023