Lecture: Akwugo Emejulu: Fugitive Feminism: Thinking About The Human, 09.01.2025, Vienna: abgesagt

Hinweis am 07.01.2025: Aus Krankheitsgründen muss der Vortrag abgesagt werden.

IPW-Lecture WiSe2024, Gender & Politics: Inst. für Politikwissenschaft, Univ. Wien, Lehrstuhl Geschlecht und Politik: Dorit Geva (Web)

Time: 09.01.2025, 18.45 Uhr
Venue: Univ. Wien, NIG, Universitätsstr. 7, Hörsaal 3 (main floor)

How do we think about politics, solidarity and community without the framework of the human? How might we think about ourselves, our social relations and the world around us without the organising principle of humanity? What do we lose—but also, crucially, what new possibilities are created—when we reject the human? In this talk, I wish to explore what it means to take seriously Black women’s non-belonging in the category of the human and the grief, the danger but also the sheer pleasure that this non-belonging makes possible.
To shrug off the restrictions of gender, of race, of class and to step into the unknown as a fugitive—a wild possibility of the unknown. This is utopian and perhaps there is no-place where the fugitive is at home. But what if the utopian is found in our everyday social relations with fellow fugitives? What if a different kind of feminist politics can be built by embracing the ambivalent, the liminal and the precarious? (PDF)

Publikation: Akwugo Emejulu: Fugitive Feminism, Silver Press 2022 (Web)