The Graduate Association for African-American History (GAAAH) (Web) at The University of Memphis invites graduate students at all levels to submit proposals for its 14th Annual Graduate Student Conference in African-American History, to be held October 31-November 2, 2012, in Memphis, Tennessee.
This year’s conference will feature a keynote address from Dr. Deborah Gray White, Professor of History at Rutgers University and the author of Ar’n’t I A Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South (1985 and 1999), the groundbreaking gendered analysis of the institution of slavery. Additionally, she is the author of Too Heavy a Load: Black Women in Defense of Themselves, 1984-1994 (1999) and Let My People Go: African-Americans, 1804-1860 (1996). Professors from area institutions will serve as panel commentators and participate in a workshop on professional development and the job market.
We welcome the submission of individual papers, complete sessions, workshops, and roundtables on all topics relating to the scholarship and teaching of African-American/African Diaspora histories and cultures. We encourage the participation of graduate students who represent a broad range of disciplinary and methodological approaches.
Individual paper proposals should include a 300-word abstract, including a paper title; author contact information; postal address and e-mail address; and a brief curriculum vitae. The organizers of complete sessions should send, in a single submission, abstracts and cvs for each of the paper presenters; 200-word description of the session; and contact information for all participants. Please list audio-visual requirements, if any.
The submission deadline for proposals is September 1, 2012. A committee of University of Memphis professors will consider all papers for the “Memphis State Eight Paper Prize” which is awarded to the conference’s best paper. The first place prize includes a monetary award. Second and third place papers will also receive recognition.
Participants will be notified of acceptance by September 8, 2012, and completed 10-12 page papers must be received no later than October 15, 2012.
Please submit all proposals by e-mail to GAAAH President Micki Kaleta: or
For questions, you also may call Ms. Kaleta at (901) 678-3395 or contact GAAAH faculty advisors Dr. Arvin Smallwood at (901) 678-3869, or Dr. Ernestine Jenkins, (901) 678-3450.