Monthly Archives: Jänner 2016

Conference: Virgins, wives, mothers, national personifications in early modern Europe, 29.-31.03.2016, Paris

Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (Web), Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte und LabEx EHNE (Axe 7); Rainer Babel (DHIP), Christine Gouzi (univ. Paris-Sorbonne, Centre André Chastel), Thomas Kirchner (DFK), Thomas Maissen (DHIP)
Ort: Paris
Zeit: 29.-31.03.2016
Dienstag, 29. März 2016
9:15 Welcome address and introduction: The German Speaking Countries: Thomas Maissen (Paris)
10:00 Italy; Chair: Stefano Andretta (Rome)

  • Bertrand Cosnet (Nantes), La genèse des personnifications nationales dans les communes italiennes du XIVe siècle
  • Marina Vidas (Copenhagen), Personifications of Venice in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Illuminated Documents and Manuscripts

Weiterlesen und Quelle … (Web)

Vortrag: Charles Colman: Design and Deviance. On the Power of Gender Norms in the Development of U.S. Intellectual Property Law, 14.01.2016, Wien

Universität Wien, Juridicum, Elisabeth Holzleithner und Milos Vec
Zeit: Do, 14.01.2016, 14:00 Uhr
Ort: Juridicum, Sem 62
This project reveals the power of gender and sexuality norms in the deep discourse of pivotal American case law on design patents.
Charles Colman will examine influential design-patent decisions from the 1870s through the 1930s against this cultural backdrop. His close reading of these decisions will demonstrate that federal judges, particularly in leading cases decided by the Second Circuit, increasingly used design-patent disputes as a vehicle for the performance and endorsement of prevailing gender norms. The resulting doctrine relegated design patents to near-total irrelevance as a viable form of intellectual property protection for a large and crucial portion of the Twentieth Century.
In a forthcoming monograph, „Patents and Perverts: The Hidden Moral Agenda of American Design Law“ (Cambridge University Press 2016), Charles Colman will examine doctrinal distortions in U.S. copyright and trademark law that resulted from the judiciary’s marginalization of design patents. Some of these distortions, Continue reading

CfP: Life stories, gender and identity (Publication: Dutch Journal for Gender Studies); DL: 01.02.2016

Special issue Dutch Journal for Gender Studies (Web); Ed.: Mineke Bosch, Marijke Huisman and Monica Soeting

Abstracts by 1 February 2016

Since the introduction of the term ‚life writing‘, the input of gender studies has been of great importance for the development of life writing research. Genderstudies initially considered it their task to disclose the ‘forgotten’ lives of women. However, when – thanks to the linguistic turn – it became obvious that life writing texts like diaries, autobiographies, memoirs and letters are all but an objective source for researching ‚lived lives‘, gender studies has been focussing on analysing the way in which authors express their identity not in a purely ‚individual‘ sense, but within the context of conventions, linguistic and otherwise.

Gender studies thus have made it clear that within the western world several ’scripts‘ or ‚plots‘ determine the form in which autobiographies have been and still are written. Continue reading

Klicktipp: Dovie Horvitz Collection: Photographs, magazines, postcards, pamphlets etc. of women’s everyday possessions in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Portal)

Suffrage Postcard from the Dovie Horvitz CollectionA extensive online collection with materials amassed by Dovie Horvitz (Illinois) (Web)

  • The printed matter includes women’s magazines, Sunday supplement illustrations, sheet music about women, suffrage postcards, World War I and II posters, photographs of teen parties, and pamphlets about sex, health, and menstruation.
  • Objects in the collection include clothing, accessories such as shoes and boots, hats, gloves or purses, menstrual and other health products; cosmetic and grooming kits etc.

The fully searchable and browsable online collection website is here. An article about the collection is here.

Klicktipp: JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (Journal)

JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (Web)

JENdA is an award-winning peer-reviewed journal which focuses on social, political, economic, and cultural concepts and categories that shape the lives of women in different African societies. Archives since 2004: Read more … (Web)

Current call for a special-issue: Muslim Women in Africa and the Diaspora: Past, Present and the Future. The issue will be guest-edited by Dr. Hadeer Abou El Nagah; Deadline: January 31, 2016. Read more … (Web)

Buchpräsentation: Traude Bollauf, Ilse Korotin u. Ursula Stern: „Erlebtes und Gedachtes.“ Stella Klein Löw (1904-1986). Pädagogin – Psychologin – Politikerin – Erwachsenenbildnerin, 27.01.2016, Wien

978-3-7069-0845-0Frauenarbeitsgemeinschaft der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Exilforschung (Web)
Zeit: Mi., 27.01.2016, 18.30 Uhr
Ort: IWK, Berggasse 17, 1090 Wien
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Am 28. Jänner 2014 jährte sich der Geburtstag von Stella Klein-Löw zum 110. Mal. Aus diesem Anlass veranstaltete die Frauenarbeitsgemeinschaft der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Exilforschung eine Tagung, bei der es um Aspekte aus dem Leben und Wirken der Lehrerin, Volksbildnerin und Politikerin, die im Jahr 1939 wegen ihrer jüdischen Herkunft vom NS-Regime in die Emigration gezwungen wurde, ging. Dafür konnten Referent/innen gewonnen werden, die die unterschiedlichen Aspekte ihrer Biografie zu beleuchten und ihre Ambitionen und Ideale darzustellen. Manche von ihnen hatten Stella Klein-Löw auch persönlich kennengelernt. In der präsentierten Publikation liegen die Vorträge dieser Tagung nun in schriftlicher Form vor. Der Bogen reicht von der Geschichte des Kindes aus liberalem jüdischem Haus, über die politisch interessierte junge Studentin, die Gymnasiallehrerin, in deren Leben Continue reading

Preisverleihung des Edith-Saurer-Fond an Verena Buser und Katja Geiger, 18.01.2016

esf_logoEdith Saurer Fonds zur Förderung geschichtswissenschaftlicher Projekte (Web)
Zeit: Mo., 18.01.2016, 18.00 Uhr
Ort: AK Bibliothek für Sozialwissenschaften, Prinz-Eugen-Str. 20-22, 1040 Wien
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  • Begrüßung: Ruth Wodak: Über den Edith Saurer Fonds

Präsentation der geförderten Arbeiten durch die Autorinnen

  • Verena Buser: Volkspflegerinnen der NS-Volkswohlfahrt (NSV): Fachkräfte bei der Eindeutschung polnischer Kinder
  • Katja Geiger: Die Wiener Nachkriegspsychiatrie und ihr Umgang mit psychischen Folgen von Flucht und Vertreibung, 1945-1957

Der Edith-Saurer-Fonds zur Förderung geschichtswissenschaftlicher Projekte wurde von der an der Universität Wien lehrenden und 2011 verstorbenen Universitätsprofessorin gegründet und mit finanziellen Mitteln ausgestattet. Er vergibt ab 2013 in jedem Jahr an eine/n oder mehrere Antragsteller/innen ein einmaliges Forschungsstipendium … weiterlesen (Website).

CfP: Gender and food. Social dynamics, cultures, politics (Publication: Genesis), DL: 30.04.2016

Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche (Web), Ed. by Enrica Asquer and Paolo Capuzzo

Proposals by 30.04.2016

This special issue of Genesis will explore the gender issues related to the production, circulation, distribution and consumption of food, within different spatial and chronological contexts, from the early modern to the contemporary era. The issue will add to the extensive research that has emerged around this topic in the last decades by adopting a specific gender perspective. Although increasing attention has been given to the gender dimension of food, much remains to be explored.

The production and consumption of food have been so far analysed from many stimulating points of view. Anthropologists have investigated nutritional practices in connection with the symbolic order that permeates societies (M. Douglas) and, in particular, as a crucial point of entry into the daily dynamics of families (M. de Certeau): the division of labour between different family members; the set-up of the domestic areas devoted to the food preparation; the connection between meal consumption and the construction of family routines, are all examples of the issues explored by this kind of analysis. Read more and source … (Web)

CfP: Life-Writing and Celebrity. Exploring Intersections (Event: 08/2016, Galway/Ireland); DL: 14.02.2016

Panel at the Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) (Web)Co-convenors: Sandra Mayer, University of Vienna and Julia Lajta-Novak, King’s College London

Time: 22-26 August 2016
Venue: Galway, Ireland
Proposals by 14 February 2016

In recent years, life-writing and celebrity studies have separately evolved into vibrant and innovative areas of Humanities research, but the connections between these fields have, so far, been insufficiently addressed. This seminar invites papers that focus on the intersections of life-writing and celebrity in a historical as well as a contemporary English-language literary and cultural context, exploring, among others, ideas of image, persona, self-fashioning, myth, mediatisation and commodification. We will address the influence of these concepts on the writing and reading of lives. Highlighting possibilities of theoretical and methodological cross-fertilisation, the seminar will promote new interdisciplinary research.

Potential themes addressed may include but are not limited to:

  • Celebrity lives in the fields of literature, politics, entertainment and public life
  • Continue reading