Monthly Archives: März 2017

CfP: Maßlos große Gesten (Vortragsreihe, Wise 2017/18, Wien); DL: 30.04.2017

2w7hdb5w80z4mrvusgbncmxet.300x300x1Vortragsreihe „Kunst – Forschung – Geschlecht“ der Abteilung für Genderangelegenheiten, Univ. für angewandte Kunst Wien (Web); Studienjahr 2017/18

Einreichfrist: 30. April 2017

Die disziplinenübergreifende Vortragsreihe wird im Studienjahr 2017/18 einem Maßlosen, der Maßlosigkeit nachgehen. Es interessiert das Überschreiten von Angemessenheit in Formen der Rede, in literarischen Schreibweisen, in Handlungsweisen der performativen Künste, auch der Komik, oder im Bereich von queer-feministischen Aktivismen und den bewusst fantastisch-provokanten Manifesten, die diese Artikulationen immer wieder begleiten:

Dabei wäre etwa an Mina Loys Feminist Manifesto (1914), an Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto (1967), Bikini Kill’s Riot Grrrl Manifesto (1991), Beatriz Preciados Manifiesto contrasexual (2000), an Virginie Despentes’ King Kong Théorie (2006), oder an die Umarbeitung von Oswald de Andrades Manifesto Antropófago (1928) durch das feministische Migrantinnen-Kollektiv MAIZ zu denken. Weiterlesen … (PDF)

Workshop: Internationale Geschichte Vertrauen in den internationalen Beziehungen, 04.04.2017, Wien

9. Workshop „Internationale Geschichte Vertrauen in den internationalen Beziehungen“; Barbara Haider-Wilson, INZ/ÖAW, Thomas Angerer, Peter Becker und Dorothea Nolde, Institut für Geschichte, Univ. Wien
Zeit: Di, 4. April 2017, 9:00–13:00 Uhr
Ort: Univ. Wien, Tiefparterre, USI 2, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

  • Einleitung und Moderation: Dorothea Nolde (Institut für Geschichte, Univ. Wien)
  • Julia Gebke (Institut für Geschichte, Univ. Wien): Vertrauen – Freundschaft – Familie. Rudolf II., Maria von Spanien und Hans Khevenhüller im Blickpunkt
  • Kommentar: Karin Schneider (INZ/ÖAW)
  • Janne Nijman (Univ. Amsterdam, Rechtswissenschaft): Trust and Distrust in International Relations and International Law
  • Kommentar: Stephan Mai (Institut für Geschichte, Univ. Wien)
  • Elisabeth Röhrlich (Institut für Geschichte, Univ. Wien): „Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser.“ Nuclear Safeguards in der Geschichte der International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • Kommentar: Wolfgang Mueller (INZ/ÖAW; Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte, Univ. Wien)

Anmeldung erforderlich bis 27.03.2017, unter

CfP: Religious feminism and feminist spirituality (Event, 11/2017, Lausanne and Publication: NQF); DL: 03.04.2017

NQF_341_L204Revue Nouvelles Questions Féministes (NQF), 38/1 (Web): Coordination: Irene Becci, Helene Fueger, Catherine Fussinger and Amel Mahfoud

Time: 28th of November 2017
Venue: University of Lausanne
Proposals due: 03.04.2017

Denounced as fundamentally oppressive systems for women, monotheistic religions have been the subject of strong criticism from feminist movements in the West. The traditions most targeted by these criticisms were first those from which most Western feminists had come from, namely Christianity and Judaism (especially in North America). As for the theme of Islam and feminism, it is a particularly complex question today because the issue of the place of women within Islam was very quickly instrumentalized in the colonial context.

If the three monotheistic traditions have been criticized for promoting social organization and discriminatory values against women in civil society, their internal functioning has also been called into question (difficulty or even impossibility for women to occupy positions of authority within religious institutions, but also to access texts and places of worship, as well as certain rites). Read more and source … (Web)

CfP: Political Masculinities and Populism (Event, 12/2017, Landau); DL: 31.03.2017

Kathleen Starck, Univ. of Koblenz-Landau/Germany; Russell Luyt, Univ. of Greenwich, London

Venue: Landau
Time: 01.-03.12.2017
Proposals due: 31. März 2017

The conference aims to encourage and develop diverse understanding concerning the relationship between the concepts of political masculinities and populism. In the current political and social climate where media debates are often heated and analysis is in danger of taking second place to (political) opinion, the organizers hope to provide an arena in which to consider the gendered functioning of populist politics and politicians – both past and present – and thereby contribute toward understanding the rise of populism globally in the 21st century.

Populism, which is a modern phenomenon that can be traced back to Russia and the United States of the late 19th century, is a contested political concept, in which some even question its analytic utility … read more (PDF).

CfP: Convention and revolution: Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods (Event, 11-12/2017, Warsaw); DL: 30.03.2017

Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Digital Humanities Laboratory, Univ. of Warsaw, Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

Time: 27.11.-01.12.2017
Veneu: Warsaw
Proposals due: 30.03.2017

The international conference will focus on discussing the latest methods of working with women’s personal documents, biographies and letters written on their basis. We are interested in strategies developed in contemporary historiography and literature studies, in particular interdisciplinary women’s, gender and queer studies. We also have a strong interest in the experiences of researchers of herstory, oral history, and life writing.

As for historical periods, we are interested mainly in the 1800s and the 1900s up to World War II. However, the true chronology will emerge out of the documents themselves. We have decided to focus on journals, letters, diaries and autobiographies of women in that period because it is, in our opinion, unique: this is when among Western elites the discourse of women’s emancipation was articulated and started gaining popularity. Most women at the time responded with great reserve and even hostility, choosing instead to support the traditional understanding of gender roles. Read more … (PDF)

CfP: Across Religious Boundaries: Women and Men in Motion, Fluid Identities, and Conflicts (Publication: Genesis); DL: 30.03.2017

Genesis. Revista della Società Italiana delle Storiche (Web) 2017, 2; Eds.: Xenia v. Tippelskirch and Stefano Villani

Proposals due: 30.03.3017

The journal „Genesis“ calls for contributions to a monographic issue that analyse – from a gender sensitive perspective – the impact of crossing confessional and religious borders, of mobility, and of voluntary or forced migration on selfdefinition and on definitions of religious identity. Contributions may come from periods ranging from the late middle ages to contemporary history.

Emigration and exile, in the dialectic between displacement and opportunity, enable reflections on the very concept of religious identity. The historiographical investigation on the estrangement provoked by confrontation with a different culture, on strategies of adapting to a new context, and on the conflicts generated by encounters between different cultures may contribute to reflection on the ‚performative‘ aspects and fluidity of the construction of confessional identities. In recent historiography on cultural transfers and contact zones, the key role of the go-betweens and brokers has been emphasized. Read more and source … (Web)

Vortrag: Anna-Raphaela Schmitz: Rudolf Höß – Handlungspraxis, Beziehungsstrukturen und Privatleben eines KZ-Kommandanten, 23.03.2017, Wien

INTERAKTIONEN, Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien
Zeit: Do., 23. März 2017, 12.00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Spitalgasse 2-4/Hof 1, 1090 Wien
Im NS-Konzentrationslagersystem war die Ausgestaltung politischer Macht eng mit Biographien der SS-Funktionselite, deren personellen Netzwerken und ihrer alltäglichen Handlungspraxis verknüpft. So war der Aktionsradius des Lagerkommandanten des größten KZ- und Vernichtungslagers vor allem durch dessen institutionellen Nahbereich geprägt. Aufgrund seiner Handlungspraktiken gilt Rudolf Höß als Synonym für die präzise organisierte und fabrikmäßige Umsetzung des Massenmordes in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
In dem Promotionsvorhaben von Anna-Raphaela Schmitz zu dem ehemaligen KZ-Kommandanten wird ein bis dato rein personalisierender Ansatz um eine Verbindung von Struktur- und Biographiegeschichte erweitert: Aus der Alltags- und Mikroperspektive von Rudolf Höß werden die Planung und die Durchführung des Massenmordes untersucht. Mittels einer „praxeologischen“ Biographie des KZ-Kommandanten werden einerseits die von der NS-Führung vorgegebenen Rahmenbedingungen und anderseits die Handlungsmaximen und die sozialen Interaktionen der Täter innerhalb und außerhalb der Lagermauern analysiert. Weiterlesen … (PDF)

CfP: Subcultures between History and Mythmaking: Researching the Cultural Memory of Youth Subcultures, 1955 – present (Publication); DL: 30.04.2017

Bart van der Steen; Leonor Faber-Jonker, Thierry Verburgh, Universität Leiden

Proposals due: 30.04.2017

During the 20th century, various political, musical and other youth subcultures have emerged worldwide and evolved into globally marketed mainstream phenomena. Subsequently, research on subcultural movements has flourished. However, as spectacular as subcultural histories often are, myth and reality tend to become inextricably linked in retrospectives, both in popular media such as newspapers, photobooks, memoires, as well as in academic research. Even more so, researchers have often contributed to the mythical histories of subcultures, rather than critically engaging with them.

The project aims not so much to critique these myths and narratives, but to reconstruct the process of ‘mythmaking’ as a means to critically engage with the Cultural Memory of youth subcultures. Through critical engagement with (history) writing on subcultures by contemporaries, veterans, popular media and researchers our project aims to uncover (i) what the basic elements of various subcultural histories and myths are; (ii) how these histories develop and possibly become canonized; and finally (iii) who and what is included and excluded in these stories. Read more and source … (Web)

CfP: Inheritance Practices. Family, Property and Wealth transfers in the 20th century (Event: 09/2017, Washington); DL: 10.04.2017

German Historical Institute Washington DC, Conveners: Jürgen Dinkel (Univ. of Gießen), Simone Lässig (GHI Washington), Vanessa Ogle (Univ. of Pennsylvannia) (Web)

Time: 14-16.09.2017
German Historical Institute Washington DC
Proposals due: 10.04.2017

American baby boomers stand to inherit about $11.6 trillion in the coming years. The distribution of this wealth will be highly unequal, however. Households in the wealthiest decile will receive by far the biggest inheritances, an estimated $1.5 million per heir on average. By contrast, heirs in the poorest decile will receive an average of $27,000. Enormous and unequal intergenerational wealth transfers are expected in other regions of the world as well.

Despite the substantial contribution of inheritance practices to social inequality in societies and individual families, we know very little about the distribution of inherited money and assets in the period since the late nineteenth century. Thomas Piketty’s bestselling Capital in the Twenty-First Century has spurred heightened interest in the question of inherited wealth and its relation to rising inequality over the course of the past century. Read more and source … (Web)

CfP: Gender in Revolution: Women and men experiencing revolutionary change 1917-2017 (Event: 10/2017, Odessa); DL: 15.04.2017

Women in War (Paris); Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Odessa); Democratic Development Centre (Kyiv) (Web)

Venue: Pedagogical Univeristy Odessa
Time: 30.09.-02.10.2017
Proposals due: 15.04.2017

After Sarajevo in 2014, Beirut in 2015, Yerevan in 2016, the next annual international Women in War conference, to be held in Odessa in autumn of 2017, will explore different aspects of the social and political transformations in gender relations, especially the life of women, resulting from one century of revolutions. These will include uprising and revolts where women have played exceptional roles with major social consequences.

We have chosen to situate our next conference in Ukraine, a country which has historically challenged both the imposition and the legacy of Soviet rule, and today represents the most positive and advanced society for women’s rights in the post-Soviet bloc.

In this unique conference, we shall focus on women’s revolutionary experiences worldwide as influenced by the Soviet revolution of 1917, in order to establish commonalities and differences in terms of women’s participation and influence. Read more and source … (Web)