CfP: Domestic dissidents: a reexamination of the lives, xchanges and everyday experiences of radical religious women, 1500-1800 (Event, 06/2013, Warwick); DL: 10.01.2013

Venue: University of Warwick, UK
Time: 10 June 2013
Deadline: 10 January 2013

  • Keynote Speaker: Professor Karin Wulf, William and Mary College, Virginia, USA
  • Topics and questions could include, but are not limited to: The relationship between gender and religious dissent / The supportive role of women in religious radicalism and dissident ctivities / A comparison of women within different sectarian groups / The relationship between religion and identity / The role and complexities of domestic piety …

Please submit a 250 word abstract and brief biography for a 20 minute paper by 10th January 2013 to Naomi Wood, If you would like to attend this event as a member of the audience, please also contact the event organiser,

Naomi Wood
PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of Warwick


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