Buchpräsentation – Karin Schönpflug, Roswitha Hofmann und Vina Yun: Feminism, Economics and Utopia, 11.11.2008, Wien

Über feministische Utopien und alternative Ökonomien diskutiert die Autorin mit der Soziologin Roswitha Hofmann und Vina Yun von der Frauensolidarität.
Moderation: Birge Krondorfer

Zeit: Di, 11. November, 18.30 Uhr
Ort: Frauenhetz, Untere Weißgerberstr. 41, 1030 Wien
„Are there feminist, economic utopian visions amongst feminist economists? What are these visions? Is there a common vision for feminist economics or should there be? Can feminist economics be effective without a utopian vision? Comprehensive and original, this book surveys the entire field of utopian literature; from Plato to the present. Answering a range of questions and written by a rising star in feminist economics, it provides explanations of: the different kinds of feminism the evolution of feminist thought; the development of feminist economics; and, the history and sources of utopias as a theoretical and/or literary tool.“
Eine Kooperationsveranstaltung von Frauenhetz, Frauensolidarität und dem Verein Freundinnen der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer
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