The Sexuality Network at the 10th Europ. Social Science History Conference (Web)
Venue: Vienna, Austria
Time: 23-26 April 2014
Deadline/Pre-Registration: 15 May 2013, Conference fee
The Sexuality Network invites papers on the history of sexuality for inclusion in its programme of panels at this bi-annual conference.
The Sexuality Network of the ESSHC is one of the leading European arenas for new work on the history of sexuality. We welcome proposals for full panels (of 3-4 papers) as well as offers of individual papers. Papers and panels on all historical periods are welcome.
Our criteria for inclusion in the programme will be to highlight those panels and papers that display innovation, theoretical rigour, and exciting directions in research into the history of sexuality.
The range of interests covered by the Network is wide and previous gatherings have included work on historical approaches to: sexual activity; sexual identities; heterosexuality; homosexuality; marriage, divorce, and extra-marital sex; celibacy, masturbation; fertility and its technologies; sexual subcultures; geographies of sexuality; oral history; sex and the archives; sex work; sexually transmitted disease; HIV/AIDS and sexuality in historical perspective; cultural representations of sexuality; medicalization of sexualities; legal regulation of sexuality; sexual violence; globalization and sexuality; historiographical approaches to sexuality; Marxist, queer and feminist historiographies.
All paper proposers, panel proposers and panel participants must pre-register at the conference website by 15 May 2013 in order for their offers to be considered. Information about the conference fees and conditions are also available on this site.
For further information about the Sexuality Network you can also contact:
Wannes Dupont,
Julie Gammon,
Jens Rydström,
Professor, Centrum för Genusvetenskap
Lunds universitet, Box 117, 221 00 LUND
Tel arb: 046-222 80 69, Tel hem: 040-12 95 88