The Women and Gender network at the 10th Europ. Social Science History Conference (Web)
Venue: Vienna, Austria
Time: 23-26 April 2014
Deadline/Pre-Registration: 15 May 2013, Conference fee
It addresses gender as a historically and culturally variable category that is constitutive of classifying and interpreting the social world, of organizing social and power relations, of producing knowledge (such as historical knowledge), and of shaping experiences of women and men in the past. The network is welcoming research that is crossing epochs, regions, and disciplines. A specific theme is chosen for every conference. Women and Gender Network announces its call for papers with the general theme Flows.
The on-going globalization of our world can be resumed as flows of people, money, goods, ideas and knowledge. This phenomenon is not new, even though the intensity and reach are unprecedented. This makes the topic a good meeting point for historians and social scientists to assess and harness modes, types and ways in which various gender practices overflowed and traveled between cultures, countries, nations and time periods. Read more …