Gastvortrag: Adrian Carton: Gender and Globalisation: Portuguese Eurasian Women in Early Colonial India, 1510–1784, 15.04.2013, Wien

Zeit: Montag, 15. April 2013, 18,45 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum Geschichte 1, Hauptgebäude, 1. Stock, Stiege 10
Adrian Carton von der University of Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australien ist derzeit Gastprofessor am Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien.
Adrian Carton researches in the interdisciplinary areas of postcolonial studies, intercultural studies and imperial history with a south Asian focus. His interests span the areas of cultural research and global studies. Trained in cultural and global history, he has also conducted cultural research on representations of Asian refugees in Australia. He is particularly interested in issues of métissage, créolisation and hybridity in colonial environments, race and the cultural politics of location and the predicament of transnational identity in an era of globalisation. His current research extends these interests to transnational biography and the international context of popular food consumption.

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