CfA: Transdisciplinary Theories and Practices (Event: PhD course), Deadline: 20.01.2009

At: InterGender: Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Time: Feb 10-12, 2009

InterGender: Swedish-International Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies is a collaboration between major Swedish PhD programmes in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, located at the universities of Blekinge, Gothenburg, Linköping, Luleå, Lund, Stockholm, Uppsala, Umeå and Örebro, and three major European Gender Studies PhD programmes (the national dutch and the national Finnish Research School in Gender Studies as well as the PhD programme for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt University, Berlin) and finally, the Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies.

Course coordinators
Prof. Lena Trojer, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Senior Lecturer Pirjo Elovaara, Blekinge Institute of Technology
PhD Student Rebecka Molin, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Dr. Bettina Bock v. Wulfingen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany – in collaboration with InterGender Research School Director Prof. Nina Lykke, Linköping University, Sweden

Guest speakers and teachers
Prof. Ulrike Felt, Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna
Prof. Nina Lykke, Dept. of Gender Studies, Linköping University
Dr. Elisabeth Gulbrandsen, Norges forskningsråd, Oslo
Dr. Bettina Bock v. Wulfingen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Inger Gustafsson, VINNOVA, Stockholm
Prof.Lena Trojer, Technoscience Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Dr. Pirjo Elovaara, Technoscience Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Dr. Peter Ekdahl, Technoscience Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology)

Course description
Our understandings of and practices within research are constantly changing and developing. The conditions for necessary and relevant research transformations are not the least an impact of feminist research efforts. But to go from words to practice in inter/trans/post disciplinary research is a challenge for all involved. The objective of this course is to come to grips with the more fundamental prerequisites for inter- and transdisciplinary research and development. The course is a contribution to the research transforming work where our perception of research concerns how to move from ambitions and dreams to new practices in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary / postnormal research. The course will include three kinds of sessions: 
1) lecture-discussion-sessions,
2) group sessions with presentations of students’ papers, where students are given the opportunity to present their doctoral research and receive comments from teachers and co-participants, 3) Thematic group discussions.

7,5 ECTS for active participation
15 ECTS for active participation + essay (evaluated pass)


FEB 10: 9-18
Late modern knowledge production

GUEST SPEAKER: Ulrike Felt, Professor of Social Studies of Science at the University of Vienna, Austria, Faculty of Social Science, Head of the Department of Social Studies of Science: Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously

Research Politics as Theory and Practice

GUEST SPEAKERS: Elisabeth Gulbrandsen, Norges forskningsråd, Oslo Dr. Bettina Bock v. Wulfingen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Discursive perspectives on mode 2: On the co-construction of science and society, the example of gender in life sciences

FEB 11: 9-18

Feminist research within and beyond the Academy

GUEST SPEAKER: Nina Lykke, Professor of Gender and Culture, Dept. of Gender Studies, Linköping University, Sweden. Head of dept of Gender Studies. Feminist knowledge production in postdisciplinary spaces. On situated knowledges and transversal dialogues as feminist methodology

Examples of situated practices

Interaction infrastructure (Inger Gustafsson, VINNOVA, Stockholm)
Developing countries (Lena Trojer & Pirjo Elovaara, Technoscience Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology)
Late modern practices in digital media (Peter Ekdahl, Technoscience Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology)
Experiences from Berlin Foucauldian discourse analysis as method of analysis applied to New Human Genetics (Bettina Bock v. Wulfingen, Humboldt Universität, Berlin)

FEB 12: 9-16
Workshops with presentations and discussions of students’ papers.
Thematic group discussions

Contact persons and more information:
Senior Lecturer Pirjo Elovaara,, +46-457-38 55 56
PhD Student Rebecka Molin,, +46-454-38 59 29
Professor Lena Trojer,, mobile +46 (0)733 800 133

Send the application, marked with your name and the course name to

Applications should be written in English and include
* name, affiliation, full address, e-mail, phone, fax
* name and affiliation of PhD supervisor
* brief CV
* description of PhD project (1-2 pages)
* motivation: why do you want to participate in the course (1-2 pages)
* please, indicate if you are in the first/middle/last phase of your PhD research

Max 20 participants
Deadline for applications (to Jan 20, 2009

Grants that cover travel, food and accomodation are available for registered PhD students who are selected as qualifying for the course.

Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlshamn, Sweden

Organized by: Technoscience Studies, Blekinge Institute of Technology – in collaboration with Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt-University zu Berlin.

Nina Lykke
Prof., Dr. Phil.
Director of GEXcel: Center of Gender Excellence
Director of Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Director of InterGender, Swedish-International Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Head of Dept. of Gender Studies
Linkoeping University
SE 58183 Linkoeping


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