Dr. Timothy Demy (Naval War College); Dr. Frank Jacob (CUNY, QCC); Dr. Jeff Shaw (Naval War College)
The Great War changed not only the course of history, but also altered many prevailing conceptions of the human condition. This war’s toll ushered in new ways of thinking, with a consequent impact on many fields of the humanities.
The present call for papers is addressed to those who are working in the humanities and knowledgeable about the impact of the Great War on this field of study. We want to assemble specialists from several disciplines to highlight this impact from diverse perspectives. In which way did the First World War influence:
- Literature
- Cinema
- Music
- Art
- Historiography
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Linguistics, etc.
Next to theoretical approaches, we also welcome approaches that deal with the consequences and impact of the Great War from a national point of view. Rather theoretical approaches are welcome as well. We, therefore, invite young scholars and already approved specialists in all fields of the humanities to send in a proposal (ca. 300 words and a short CV) by September 30, 2014. Final papers, ranging from 7500-10.000 words, are due by July 31, 2015. Please send all your materials or further questions to jacob.m.a84@googlemail.com, timothy.demy@usnwc.edu, and jeffrey.shaw@usnwc.edu.
Source: http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/termine/id=25600