Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions; Magdalena Beljan, Pascal Eitler, Benno Gammerl and Ulrike Schaper
Zeit: 19.-20.02.2015
Ort: Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Anmeldung bis 15.02.2015
Website und Programm
Unknown cultures and practices are often described as somehow “exotic”. Historically, this kind of Othering often went along with a sexualization of the unfamiliar. The neologism “sexotic” emphasizes the intertwinement of both processes.
Scholars from the fields of history, gender and cultural studies, theater studies and literature will convene to present their work in five panels focusing on tourism, migration, sex reform, visual cultures and techniques of the body. The discussions will thereby engage with a range of crucial and comprehensive questions: How and why did imaginations of exotic sex and sexual exoticism change across time? Were there different, regionally, gender- or class-specific exoticizing stereotypes? Were discriminatory strategies of sexualisation contested by de-sexualizing or … read more (Website).