Bucerius Young Scholars Forum at German Historical Institute West (GHI WEST) at UC Berkeley (Web)
Venue: German Historical Institute West at UC Berkeley
Time: 15.11.2017
Proposals by: 15.02.2017
The GHI invites proposals specifically from post-doctoral scholars, recent PhDs, as well as those in the final stages of their dissertations.
The Bucerius Young Scholars Forum is a new annual program designed to bring together a small transatlantic group of ten junior scholars from Germany, Europe and North America to explore new research and questions in the history of migration with a particular focus on questions arising from interlacing the perspectives of migration and knowledge, as these are extremely thorough and open to current debates. The forum is connected to the Annual Bucerius Lecture on “Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives”, given and commented on by two prominent figures in the field of migration studies. Planing with precirculated papers, in the course of two days, the participants will give short presentations of their individual research projects and – together with their mentors and peers – engage in discussions on the state of the research field. Read more and source … (Web)