Colloquium: The Influence of Judith Butler, 23.07.07, Edinburgh

Contact: Ben Brabon b.brabon[at]
Time: 1-6pm
Sponsored by the Carnegie Trust, Routledge, Blackwell Publishing & Edinburgh University Press 2007 marks the twentieth anniversary of Judith Butler’s first book Subjects of Desire. One of the foremost feminist sociologists of our time, Butler is the author of many influential publications including Gender Trouble (1990), Bodies That Matter (1993), The Psychic Life of Power (1997), Excitable Speech (1997), Antigone’s Claim (2000) and Undoing Gender (2004). This international colloquium aims to consider the influence of Judith Butler’s theories on a wide range of disciplines and subject areas, from transgender to issues of terror, postfeminism to popular culture, bringing together experts in sociology, gender studies, political theory, and cultural studies. In particular, the colloquium aims to explore how and where Butler’s
theories have and can be used in order to give us a better understanding of gender within contemporary culture and society.Confirmed speakers include: Judith Halberstam (University of Southern California), Terrell Carver (University of Bristol), Sara Salih (University of Toronto), Samuel Chambers (University of Wales Swansea), Michael Cobb (University of Toronto), Stéphanie Genz (Napier University).

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