CfP: Broadcasting health and disease. Bodies, markets and television, 1950s-1980s (Event: 02/2018, London); DL: 01.11.2017

ERC BodyCapital / Wellcome Collection; Christian Bonah, Anja Laukötter, Tricia Close-Koenig

Time: 19.-21.02.2018
Venue: London
Abstract Submission: 01.11.2017

Throughout the age of television health and body-related subjects have been presented and diffused into the public sphere via a multitude of forms, ranging from short films in health education programmes to school television, from professional training to TV ads, from documentary and reality TV shows to TV news, but also as complementary VHS and similar video formats circulating in private and public spheres. From live transmission of daunting surgical operations or accounts of medication scandals in the 1950s and 1960s to participatory aerobic workouts or militant AIDS documentaries, bodies and health on television and more genuinely the interrelationship of the history of health and bodies and the history of the various TV formats has not been extensively researched.

The assumption is that such audio-visuals are not conceived merely as a mirror or expression of what is observed, but that visuals should be regarded as a distinct, interactive performative power of mass media societies. Read more and source … (Web)