Klicktipp: Color Photos of the Netherlands From 1907 to 1930 (Weblog-Eintrag)

Rijksmuseum via Fiftymore (Weblog) (Link) via Vintage Everyday (Weblog) (Link)

„With photos from the past you automatically think about black and white. (…) Nevertheless, the technique for making color photographs has been around for more than 100 years. In 1907, the two French brothers August and Louis Lumière invented a technique with which real color photographs could be made, the Autochrome Lumière. It was a very ingenious process that used glass plates on which a layer of microscopically colored potato starch granules were applied.

The photographs that were taken with them were beautiful and had a dreamy painting-like atmosphere. And now it is possible for us to see the world of more than 100 years ago in the original colors. The photos from this series come from the collection of the Rijksmuseum and were made between the period of 1907 and 1930. They show how the Netherlands looked in color at the time.“ (Link)