Project team „The Great Transformation. State and Communal Civil Service in Vienna, 1918–1920“: Peter Becker, Therese Garstenauer, Veronika Helfert, Karl Megner, Günther Steiner, and Thomas Stockinger
Venues: Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sports – and Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna
Time: 29.-30.11.2018
The focus of the workshop is the transformation of public administration in the successor states after the dissolution of the monarchy, with particular attention to the administrative personnel. One of the key questions in the case of the Republic of Austria has proved to be the role of nationality and/or citizenship in determining eligibility to continue to serve in the new administration. Was this also a major issue in other successor states? If yes, how was it handled? If not, what were the urgent issues regarding public servants? Conference languages: German and English
Thursday, November 29
Venue: Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sports, Hohenstaufengasse 3, 1010 Wien, Room 128
- 12.00 Arrival and Light Buffet; 12.30 Peter Becker: Introduction and Greetings
- 13.00 Karl Megner/Günther Steiner (Vienna): Gesamtstaatliche Transformation der öffentlich Bediensteten anhand von Normen und Einzelfallbeispielen
Commentator: Waltraud Heindl - 14.00 Coffee break
- 14.20 Martin Klecacký (Prague): Im Dienste des neuen Staates? Beamtenkarriere im Prozess des Aufbaus der tschechoslowakischen Staatsverwaltung 1918–1920
Commentator: Gertrude Enderle-Burcel - 15.20 Coffee break
- 15.40 Rok Stergar (Ljubljana): Between Continuity and “National Purification”. Public Administration of Former Habsburg Provinces of Yugoslavia
Commentator: Thomas Stockinger - 18.30 Dinner
Friday, November 30
Venue: Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna, Gasometer D, Guglgasse 14, 1030 Wien, Lecture Hall
- 08.45 Brigitte Rigele: Greeting
- 09.00 Therese Garstenauer/Veronika Helfert (Vienna): Die Verwaltung der Stadt Wien in der neuen Republik
Commentator: Brigitte Rigele - 10.00 Coffee break
- 10.20 Judit Pál/Vlad Popovici (Cluj): Normative and Structural Changes in the Public Administration of Transylvania during World War I and its Aftermath
Commentator: Julia Bavouzet - 11.20 Coffee break
- 11.40 Stefan Fisch (Speyer): Anerkennung der Beamtenschaft als Interessengruppe. Umschwung in der deutschen Novemberrevolution
Commentator: Peter Plener - 12:40 Light buffet
- 13.30 Presentation of Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration vol. 3 (2018)
- 14.30 End