Summer Open Academy, 24.8.-7.9.2007, Bratislava

We would like to invite you in August/September to Bratislava, Slovakia to the Summer Open Academy.
The event is organised by people from
Bratislava, Brno, Prague, Budapest and there is a quite varied program. Most of the workshops are 1-5 day long and will lead to final performance or other kind of output. Contentwise, neither spacelike the possibilities are not markedly limited. Summer Open Academy will take place in a post-industrial area nearby holiday resort and lake Zlate piesky (Golden Sands) where two maintained and one smaller unmaintained building are situated, given at disposal by Tranzit initiative during the workshops. The largest building consisting of four halls serves as a contemporary art gallery, another two-story building houses a number of small artists‘ ateliers.
Idea of the project is meeting of students, graduates and teachers from various schools and collectives, with no regard to whether they work in art, technologies, social or other sciences. Diversity of experience and background is expected to support dialogical, interdisciplinary reflection and creativity.You are welcome to register to one or more workshops via simple online form. Participation in all events is free. For further information
about accommodation and board, please, see the website:

Summer Open Academy 2007 is organised by 13 kubikov association in collaboration with the partners of the project Mlok, ScArt, Nextlab and okno. The project is realised in collaboration with, A4 – Zero Space,
Info[at]police, Atrakt Art, and supported by International Visegrad Fund,, Vnet, okno and others.

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