CfP: Violence Against Women in 20th Century Europe: Interdisciplinary Approach (Event, 09/2019, Kaunus); DL: 07.06.2019

Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, Lithuania

Venue: Kaunas, Lithuania
Time: 30.09.2019
Proposals by: 07.06.2019

An international seminar, dedicated to analyze gender-based violence in 20th century Europe, invites scholars from different disciplines of humanities and social sciences to present their research. Scholars from such disciplinary fields as history, law, sociology, criminology, anthropology, psychology and gender studies are especially welcome.

The seminar will focus on such topics and research questions as follows:

  • Why and how did gender-based violence in 20th century Europe emerged and what is the historical, ethical, psychological, economic, cultural, anthropological background of it?
  • What impact did dramatic political transformations, wars, ethnic and other conflicts of 20th century had on gender dynamics and representations? What connection did these aspects had to the phenomenon of gender-based violence?
  • The scale, density and various forms of gender-based violence in 20th century Europe: from generalizations to the case studies; from macro level to micro perspectives.
  • Methods and methodologies: sharing the experiences and best practices how to research gender-based violence from the interdisciplinary perspective.

The seminar organizers will cover hotel costs (two nights) for international participants. There is no participation fee and no registration fee. Working language is English.

Please submit your paper proposals consisting of no more than 200 words to: The deadline for the paper proposals is June 7, 2019. Successful candidates will be notified by June 14, 2019.

This seminar is a part of a research project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (No. P-LIP-18-115).
