Conference: Stories of Empire. Narratological Directions in Postcolonial Theory and Practice. 13.-15.09.2007, Vienna

13-15 September 2007
University Campus, University of Vienna, Austria
Convenors: Prof. Christa Knellwolf and Prof. Margarete Rubik
It has been generally accepted that the idea of a unified and smoothly functioning British Empire was a product of the imagination and that similar fantasies informed the public perception of all European empires. But it is still a matter of speculation how such ideas originated and retained their salience beyond the formal dissolution of colonial demesnes.
This conference is aiming to uncover the discursive strategies that disseminated attitudes and mentalities in favour of colonial enterprises. A major goal will be to re-assess postcolonial theory for its capacity to explain the illusions, fantasies and material promises disseminated through factual and fictional descriptions of the encounter between colonial ‚masters‘ and their subjugated peoples.

Keynote speakers include: Prof. Harriet Guest (U. of York), Prof. Jonathan Lamb (U. of Vanderbilt), Prof. Vera Nünning (U. of Heidelberg), Prof. Ansgar Nünning (U. of Giessen), Prof. John Storey (U. of Sunderland), Prof. Paul Turnbull (Griffith U.)

Launch of International Research Network: This interdisciplinary conference provides the platform to launch an international research network devoted to the development of narratological approaches to colonial and postcolonial literature and culture.

Programm etc.

There will be a reception at the Australian Embassy on September 13. If you want to attend, make sure to tick the appropriate box on your Registration form!

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