CfP: Hegemony and the Image (Event: Klagenfurt, 05/2011); DL: 15.01.2010

Organisation: Alice Pechriggl (Klagenfurt) and Anna Schober (Verona)

Date: 20.-21. May 2011
Place: Klagenfurt University
Deadline for sending an abstract: October 15, 2010

The conference investigates the way political hegemony emerges via visual culture. It assumes that in an age of a disruption of handed-down traditions of conceptualising the world, of “globalisation” and of a wide dissemination of media such as film, TV, video and the internet such a contingent “chaining” of images, perceptions and actions assume particular importance. Images hold in place the certainties that guide our lives as gendered beings but also define relationships between cultures and classes. Nevertheless, in investigating of how political power emerges in a contingent way between a plurality of social actors, most theories of hegemony so far have been involved with linguistic approaches. In contrast to this, the conference Hegemony and the Image concentrates on linking the concept of hegemony closely to an investigation of the visual imaginary and of image worlds.

As input-givers are invited:

  • Astrid Deuber-Mankovsky (Ruhr-Universität/ Bochum/D)
  • Dieter Mersch (Universität Potsdam/D)
  • Peter Osborne (Middlesex University London/ UK)

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