2nd Vienna Workshop on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections (Web)
Postponed – New Time: 05.-06.05.2022
Venue: Technisches Museum Wien (TMW), Mariahilfer Str. 212, 1150 Wien
Registration: by 19.11.2021
Note from Salon 21: The event was postponed. The previous date in December 2021 has lapsed. The new date in May 2022.
Programm (PDF)
- 11.00 Exhibition Tour: Get together & Tour “FoodPrints” & tasteLAB – by Sophie Gerber and Marion Oberhofer (Curators)
- 1.30 Introduction: Peter Aufreiter (General Director TMW), Sophie Gerber and Sophie Kühnlenz (Organisers, TMW): Welcome and Introduction
1.45 Panel 1
- Corinna Schmechel (HU Berlin): The Gendered History of Diet Tracking Technologies
- Daniel Gunz (Univ. Wien): Food – War – Gender. Gender and Food Conflicts during the First World War in Austria-Hungary
3.30 Panel 2
- Naomi Hammett (Lancaster Univ.): What future for fat cows?
- Savar Tavakoli (Cornell Univ.): Butta la Pastiche! Camp visions and national palates
- Fabiana Senkpiel (Bern Univ. of the Arts): How Soya the Cow is trying to save the world through veganism
5.30 Keynote Lecture: Psyche Williams-Forson (Univ. of Maryland): Seeking the Absent Potential: When Food and Intersectionality Meetup in the Museum. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
9.30 Wrap-up with Sophie Gerber & Sophie Kühnlenz
10.00 Workshops 1 + 2
- Anja Herrmann (Berlin): Fat Matters. Reflections on Fat_ness and Gender in the Collection of Technisches Museum Wien
- Ana Daldon (TMW): In the name of fat. Curatorial game
1.30 Workshop 3
- Anna Pillinger (WU Wien): Food Battle for Equality! A Technofeminist Intervention?
3.00 Panel 3
- Alexander Wagner (Bergische Univ. Wuppertal) and Philipp Hagemann (Univ. Paderborn): „einfach nicht meins“. Eating Behaviour and Classism in Scientific Analysis and Curatorial Practice
- Holly Porteous (Univ. of Strathclyde): Reframing Domesticity: Food and Public Engagement in a Women’s Museum
- Eleanor S. Armstrong (Cambridge Univ.): Food In Space: What displaying and describing food and plants tells us about gender, labour, and nationalism
4.45-6.00 Summary
Please register until 19th November 2021 via gender@tmw.at