Discussion: Sexual Autonomy and Criminal Justice – A Conversation on Emancipatory Criminalization and Carceral Feminism, 23.11.2021, virtual space

Blankensee Colloquium “Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung jenseits des Körperlichen”; Boris Burghardt, Anja Schmidt and Leonie Steinl (Web)
Time: 23.11.2021, 6:00–8:00 PM (CEWT)
Venue: virtual space, via Berlin
Our conception of sexual autonomy has changed significantly over the last decades. We have moved away from collective determinations of morality and decency towards individual sexual autonomy. These developments, together with fundamental changes in the understanding of gendered power hierarchies, have led to the establishment of a so-called paradigm of consent.
This paradigm, celebrated by many feminists and human rights activists, has also caused controversial debates on over-criminalization and “carceral feminism”, raising the question: Are the emancipatory ideals of feminist social movements compatible with the means of criminal law?

  • Priya Basil (Writer and activist, Berlin)
  • Aya Gruber (Professor at the Univ. of Colorado)
  • Tatjana Hörnle (Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg)

The participants in this discussion will reflect upon these questions in an online conversation, moderated by Leonie Steinl (Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin).
To attend, please register at: daniela.schoelzel@rewi.hu-berlin.de.
Source: https://www.hsozkult.de