Special Issue Journal of Lesbian Studies (Web); Edited by Finn Mackay and Nikki Hayfield (Bristol)
Proposals by: 15.04.2022
The Journal of Lesbian Studies is inviting proposals for the theme of solidarity. It seeks to address the question: What does „solidarity“ mean to, and for, lesbians and wider LGBTQ+ communities? The editors welcome papers from a wide range of disciplines.
What does „solidarity“ mean to, and for, lesbians and wider LGBTQ+ communities? Throughout the global covid pandemic, what has been the role of lesbians specifically in mutual aid groups and networks of care? In countries with aging populations, how is solidarity fostered across generations of lesbians and what allyship and activist organising exists to provide care and sociality for lesbian elders in our communities? Black power and anti-racism movements have become more visible via the Black Lives Matter movement; women’s rights movements have moved further into the frame of public reference via the global MeToo movement; how is solidarity expressed in lesbian communities or activist organising across the social fractures of racism, classism, transphobia and disability discrimination for example? What does the current context in your locality mean for the potential, shape, visibility, impact or appeal of solidarity within lesbian groups and with and between other groups of marginalised sexualities and genders?
The editors acknowledge that they pose questions on solidarity at a time of backlash against the gains of the LGBTQ+ social justice movement, and particularly the increased visibility of trans rights movements; sometimes this backlash appears to include fractures within LGBTQ+ communities. The editors also welcome contributions that engage with this context. They seek a wide-ranging set of contributions from multiple disciplines and hope to represent a diversity of perspectives. The editors are committed to transgender inclusion and centering the voices of Black and global majority scholars and activists and non-U.S. thinkers. They also welcome considerations of this question from multiple historical perspectives. Additional suggestions for topics that authors may wish to contribute include, but are not limited to, the topics listed here (see more details below):
- Solidarity between lesbians and wider LGBTQ+ community groups
- Sexuality and solidarity between bisexual, pansexual, queer, and lesbian people
- Gender and solidarity in relation to contemporary gender identities
- Feminisms and solidarity between lesbians and other identity groups
- The importance of (lack of) solidarity in relation to health and wellbeing
- The implications of (lack of) solidarity for personal identities and public spaces
- Intersections of identity and solidarity.
The editors would welcome early expressions of interest and are happy to discuss proposals for contributions. Abstract submission deadline: 28 February 2022 Manuscript deadline: 15 April 2022.
Informal enquiries and initial abstract submissions (maximum 250 words) should be sent to Finn Mackay and Nikki Hayfield. Empirical papers will be peer-reviewed, while shorter commentary pieces may be reviewed by the editors and accepted at our discretion. Further notes for contributors can be found in the instructions for authors section of the website (Web).
Finn Mackay (Sociology) and Nikki Hayfield (Psychology), Identities, Subjectivities and Inequalities theme, Department of Social Sciences, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Bristol, BS16 1Q
Email: finn.mackay@uwe.ac.uk / nikki2.hayfield@uwe.ac.uk
Source: genus@listserv.gu.se