Kanner Prize Announcement, Submission Deadline January 15, 2008

The Barbara „Penny“ Kanner Award is a $500 annual award to honor distinguished achievement in one of two areas, in alternating years:
1. scholarly bibliographic and historiographical guides to research focused on women and/or gender history and
2. learned studies of autobiographical writings focused on women’s history and/or gender history published by a WAWH (Western Association of Women Historians) member.
This year’s award will be for learned studies of autobiographical writings. The work submitted for the autobiographical award should focus on women’s history and/or gender history. Critical or annotated editions of autobiographies should reflect the essential tools of the historian’s craft (historical knowledge, bibliographic and research skills.) Learned studies of a person(s) autobiographical writings set in historical context will also be considered; the prize is not intended for autobiographical material without scholarly analysis. Entries may only be submitted for consideration once. Submissions are considered for two-year intervals from date of publication. Applicants to the Kanner Prize must be current members of WAWH when they submit their book.
Deadline for submissions is January 15, 2008.
For questions or to send 3 copies of your entry and award application (available on-line at WAWH.org) contact:
MariaElena Raymond
Kannerprizechair[at]wawh.org or
109 5th St.
Brunswick, MD 21716

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