CfP: „Theory in Action: Theory, Social Justice and Direct Action“, Deadline: December 31th, 2007

Theory in Action, the Journal of the Transformative Studies Institute is soliciting papers for our issue on „Theory, Social Justice, & Direct Action“ Submissions are due December 31, 2007.
While there have been many theoretical analyses of such aspects of social justice as stratification and inequality, and civil rights, there is a need for more research that connects activism with theory. We believe that theory without action and action without theoretical grounding are inherently flawed. To change the world, activists and scholars need to collaborate in order to inform one other’s work. To this end, we especially seek papers in which theoretical analysis fosters societal change or in which practical experience guides theoretical research.
Theory in Action invites U.S. and international submissions of well-researched and thought-provoking papers from various disciplines, including sociology, political science, psychology, art, philosophy, history, and literature. We welcome works by activists, independent scholars, graduate students, and faculty. We accept both theoretical and empirical papers by scholar-activists. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
* Novel Means of Resistance
* Direct Political Action
* Environment, Space, Social Justice, & Direct Action
* Direct Action for Social Justice
* Labor / Civil Rights & Direct Action
* Globalization
* Sex & Gender
* Activism, Academia, & Scholarship
* Activism & Resistance through the Arts
* The Media & its Relationship to Societal Justice and Change
* Non-violence vs. Active Self Defense and its Effectiveness
* Historical Analysis
* The Psychology of Transformative Learning & its Relationship to Action
Theory in Action is an international peer reviewed journal. Submissions are due December 31, 2007.
Guidelines for submission are online. Submissions should be sent using our on-line form found in the „submissions“ menu.
Transformative Studies Institute is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. All funds received by TSI are tax-deductible.

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