CfP: Gender, Climate, Movement. Feminist research and activism meet climate change and mobility (Event, 10/2023, Paderborn and virtual space); bis: 01.05.2023

RINGS – International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies (Web); Center of Gender Studies – Paderborn, Essen College of Gender Research – Duisburg-Essen, and the Chair of Sociology/Social Inequality and Gender – Bochum

Time: 18.-20.10.2023
Venue: Univ. of Paderborn and virtual space
Proposals by: 01.05.2023

Anthropogenic climate change and its environmental, social and economic impacts are one of the great challenges of our time. It is also deeply gendered – with the concept of gender here understood as a social construct mediated by various axes of power, including race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, age, and further dimensions such as space, locality, and time. Current global and local crises go hand in hand with, among other things, gender-related inequalities. This is also true for the respective framings as crisis and the approaches to dealing with it. Gender research has shown that an analogy exists between the disregard and exploitation of environmental ecological processes through neo-liberal capitalist economies and the gendered social fabric of care. Even though ecology as well as care constitute a necessary social and economic basis, both are deeply neglected and rendered invisible. Contemporary feminist research, as well as activism in different parts of the world, revolve around the effects of climate change on environment, communities, and social relations.
Gender research is situated in complex global-local spaces – with the concept of space seen as a social construct, shaping individuals and societies in their everyday surroundings on a local, regional and global scale linked with different kinds of mobilities. In this vein, the organizers understand “mobility” as examining the processes, structures, and consequences of the movement of people and things – be they physical, virtual or mental. Hence it is used as a broad concept with multiple, overlapping dimensions. The organizers invite contributions engaging with the project of intersectional gender perspectives, climate, and mobility in … read more (PDF).
