Conference: „The two Europes“, 14.-15.12.07, Neapel

Third international conference veranstaltet von RICHIE ((Réseau International des jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire de l’Intégration Européenne) und dem Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM), in Kooperation mit der University of Padova und der University Suor Orsola Benincasa, Neapel. Referate:
I session
The two Europes: Continuity and changes in the 19th and 20th century
(Chair: Karl Christian Lammers, København)
Monika Baár (Ascona): The Two Europes: Definitions of “East” and “West” in the 19th and 20th century / Natalia Burlinova (Moscow): Russia and Europe: common civilization or two different worlds? / Valentine Lomellini (Lucca): The two Europes: continuity and breaks. 1968 and 1981, Eastern crises, Italian outcomes / Karolina Pietras (Paris): L’Europe de l’Ouest face aux tensions dans le bloc communiste – la crise polonaise des années 80 / Maria Coros (Paris): L’image de l’Occident dans les manuels scolaires roumains pendant le régime de Ceausescu (1965-1989) / Christian Domnitz (Frankfurt(Oder, Mainz): A Re-Emergence of the Other Europe? The Framing of Europe in the Eastern bloc constitutes a demanding legacy for E.U. Integration
(Jürgen Elvert, Köln)
II session
Europe as a dream – Europe as a reality
(Chair: Maurice Vaïsse, Paris)
Carol Bergami (Paris, Freiburg). L’Europe est ailleurs: la double altérité du Projet européen face à l’Etat-Nation / Morgane Le Boulay (Paris, Berlin): L’»Unité dans la diversité». Les conflits entre l’Europe politique, à la recherche d’une unité et d’une identité, et l’Europe historique plurielle mis en lumière par le rapport des historiens à l’objet „Europe“ / Mauve Carbonell: Vainqueurs et vaincus de la Seconde Guerre mondiale: l’Europe en commun? / Maria Elena Cavallaro (Lucca): The Spanish European integration: the first steps of a long journey (1975-1979) / Matthieu Trouvé (Bordeaux): De l’enthousiasme à la banalisation: l’opinion publique espagnole et l’Europe (1975-2005) / Thomas Derungs (Freiburg): The integration of a different Europe: the second wave of expansion and its impact on the European Community
(Piers Ludlow, London)
III session
Political Europe(s) – Economic Europe(s)
(Chair: Wilfried Loth, Duisburg-Essen)
Matthieu Osmont (Paris): Europe politique versus Europe économique? Rivalités et répartition des rôles dans le dossier européen entre la Direction d’Europe et la Direction des Affaires Economiques et Financières au Quai d’Orsay (1955-1974) / Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (Firenze): Monetary or institutional? France’s choices to relaunch European integration in 1974 / Marloes Beers: Smaller and larger states: a dichotomy in European politics? / Gabriele D’Ottavio (Bologna): Germany and the dichotomy between “political Europe” and “economic Europe”: from the treaties of Rome to Maastricht / Federico Niglia (Roma): Italy and the German hegemony in Europe in the Cold War / Giuseppe Mancini: Enrico Mattei’s Two Europes
(Eric Bussière, Paris)
IV session
Europe as a Power – Europe as a Tool of Power
(Chair: Jean-Marie Palayret, Firenze)
Jenny Raflik: L’Europe en quête de puissance: les décideurs français entre européisme et atlantisme depuis 1945 / Giulia Bentivoglio (Lecce): Britain, the EEC and the special relationship during the Heath’s Government / Mauro Elli (Milano): The UK role in the European Community: EEC energy policy at the eve of the oil crisis / Lucia Coppolaro (Barcelona): The European Economic Community as a tool of power: the Western alliance, the economic division of Europe and the accession of the socialist countries to GATT (1959 – 1973) / Anikó Macher (Paris): A cooperation between the Western powers during the Cold War: informal meetings on East-West cultural relations 1960-66 / Sara Banchi: Intergovernmental confrontation in the UN framework: how many “Europes”?
(Johnny Laursen, Aarhus)
(Piero Craveri, Antonio Varsori)
Final Remarks
(Michele Affinito, Guia Migani, Christian Wenkel)

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