CfP: PhD course „Academic and Creative Writing in Gender Studies“, Deadline: 10.02.08

How to write a scholarly article for a feminist journal?
Date: April 21-23, 2008
Venue: Linköping University, Sweden
Teachers: Dr. Kathy Davis, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; Dr. Andrea Petö, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; Prof. Nina Lykke, Linköping University, Sweden.
The course will provide a forum for reflection and discussion of the ways in which different kinds of feminist theorists (from Hélène Cixous to Donna Haraway) have been writing in boundary spaces between theory and literature and deconstructed traditional borders between academic and creative writing.
It will be discussed why it has been considered to be important for feminist theorizing to transgress such borders, and how questions of feminist academic writing practices have been raised from both epistemological, methodological, didactic and political perspectives. Against the background of these broader reflections on feminist theorizing and writing practices, the course will put focus on the discussion of criteria for “a well written article” and encourage participants to reflect on their own writing processes in relation to their research – with a particular focus on the question: how to write a scholarly article for a feminist journal?
The course will include three kinds of sessions:
1) lecture-discussion-sessions,
2) writing workshops,
3) group sessions with presentations of students‘ papers, where students will be given the opportunity to present their research, reflect on their writing practices and receive comments from teachers and co-participants.
As part of the preparation for the course, participants will be asked to send examples of draft articles or (minimum) a synopses for such an article to be discussed in the group sessions.
Literature and programme
* 16 PhD students can be funded by NorFA/NordForsk.
* 4 more PhD students are welcome to participate on a self-paying basis.
* If the number of applicants, qualifying for the NorFA grants exceeds 16, a selection will be made to ensure a spread of nationalities, institutions and disciplines.
Applications (in English) should be mailed no later than February 10, 2008, to academic coordinator Mette Bryld: mbry[at]

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