Workshop: Social History of the Shoah. Everyday Life, Space and Time, 04.06.2024, Vienna

Vienna Wiesenthal Institute: „VWI invites Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Univ. Wien“ (Web)

Time: Di, 04.06.2024, 13:00-17:00 Uhr
Venue: VWI, Rabensteig 3, 3rd Floor, 1010 Vienna

Programme (PDF)

13:00 Uhr: Hannah Riedler (Klagenfurt/Wien, VWI Junior Fellow): Between Deportation, Forced Labour and Germanisation. The Umwandererzentralstelle in Occupied Poland 1939-1941
– Commentary: Kerstin von Lingen

13:40 Uhr: Jenny Watson (Edinburgh, VWI Research Fellow): Articulating Atrocity. Metaphors of Rural Life in Accounts of Mass Shooting
– Commentary: Zuzanna Dziuban

14:20 Uhr: Winson Chu (Milwaukee, VWI Senior Fellow): The Lodz Ghetto and the Kriminalpolizei. Jews, Neighbors and Perpetrators in the Holocaust
– Commentary: Michaela Raggam-Blesch

15:30 Uhr: Daan De Leeuw (Worcester, VWI Junior Fellow): The Geography of Slave Labour. Dutch Jews and the Third Reich, 1942–1945
– Commentary: Konstantin Schischka

16:10 Uhr: Vlasta Kordová (Prague, VWI Junior Fellow): Bandenbekämpfung. The Nazi Persecution of Objective Enemies in the Reflection of the “Heydrichiada” and the Slovak National Uprising
– Commentary: Niklas Perzi

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