Klicktipp and CfP: Home Front Studies (Publication); by: open

Home Front Studies (Web)

The interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed new journal „Home Front Studies“ explores the concept of the home front, broadly considered, in times of war, civil war, and similar conflicts from the late 19th century to the present day. Its interests include the roles of art, discrimination, finance, gender, identity, literature, music, morale, propaganda, race, and/or sexuality as experienced by civilians on home fronts in locations around the world.

The journal’s editor is James J. Kimble (Seton Hall Univ.) (Web). It is published by the University of Nebraska Press, the first issue was published in 2021. This issue is available online open access via Project Muse (Web)

Call for Papers
Home Front Studies is calling for article submissions. The interdisciplinary editorial board is open to submissions from across the humanities. All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere. The editors welcome manuscripts of up to 9,000 words, inclusive of endnotes. Prepare contributions in accordance with the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, using humanities-style endnote citations. Home Front Studies uses Editorial Manager to process submissions at the website (Web).
Please direct any questions about manuscripts in development to the journal’s editor James J. Kimble: james.kimble@shu.edu.

Source: H-Net Notifications